First Noble Kvetch


The final issue of Inquiring Mind (Spring 2015) includes selected excerpts from founding editor Wes Nisker's columns. In Fall 2009 he wrote, tongue-in-cheek seriously:

Generally speaking, I know of two kinds of Buddhists: those who feel the deepest resonance with the First Noble Truth and those who are drawn to the promise of the Third Noble Truth. The "firsters" are focused on the bottom-line dukkha of this incarnation, while the "thirdsters" believe in the possibility of complete liberation and the end of suffering. Crossover happens, of course, but many, myself included, feel that when it comes to truths, the first is number one.

I may be attached to the First Noble Truth partly because it feels so familiar. It states a worldview that smoothly converges with my Jewish heritage, allowing me to continue kvetching, but with Pali words instead of Yiddish ones. Now, rather than complaining about the weather, or work, or the health, wealth, and behavior of my relatives, I can combine all my tsuris together and simply moan about being incarnated.

(cf. Inquiring Mind online, and Sinecure Kvelling (2008-12-01), ...) - ^z - 2015-05-17